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The Communal Garden: Companion Planting

Classes in The Communal Garden series teach gardeners skills that can be used in community gardens or to support their community through gardening. They are low-cost in an effort to advance gardening skills in our communities. The series is a part of the Conservatory’s Growing to Green program, which supports and develops community gardens across Central Ohio.

We will explore ways to plan your garden with companion planting as a guide. Companion planting is a way to ensure that you have a bountiful harvest and a part of integrated pest management. Learn what plants are best planted together, and what plants to avoid growing together.

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Instructor: Adrienne Williams Adrienne Williams is an avid agriculturalist. Her love of gardening led to her enrolling in the Master Urban Farmer certification program through The Ohio State University’s extension center. Along with another colleague, she identified a need to promote more diversity in urban agriculture spaces and to address inequities within the food system by leveraging a culturally relevant framework. This framework is inclusive of promoting urban agriculture in six gardens and robust programmatic support that explores topics around land access, diversity in farming and food justice. This led to the development of their grassroots organization, the Growing and Growth Collective.