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Wetland Explore anchors the western end of the Children’s Garden and is one of its largest destinations. It wears many hats as a functioning and interactive wetland, dramatic planted spiral display, and home to insects, birds and amphibians.Wetland Explore celebrates the rain. Its bottom may lay dry for days, but after a summer rain storm, children excitedly run out to the floating path to watch the water gently rise.

Wetland Boardwalk The center boardwalk welcomes visitors of all physical abilities and embeds them in the heart of the wetland. It also serves as a launching point for a memorable journey on the Floating Path.
Wetland Explore Floating Path Wetland Explore features a Floating Path, magically suspended wooden islets that follow and reinforce the planted spiral. From summer through winter, grasses and forbs will grow above and through them, providing a truly immersive experience for children who venture out.
Pollywog Pool Children know there will always be water in Pollywog Pool, even when the wetland is dry. Visitors get their first glimpse of the pool from the Curving Bridge, but a hidden stepping stone path beyond the bridge allows children to get even closer to the tadpoles and dragonflies that live there.